Maven build

Maven build

The TAG project is configured with a maven pom.xml to build the key artifacts, and pull in the necessary dependencies. This should all work out of the box with a mvn install. A few points to note:

  1. Four executable jars are generated by the build, one for each of the four main entry points. All of them should include all required libraries to make things simpler, althought his does bloat them out to about 75 MB.

  2. The default is to skip the testing phase to save time, on the basis that the most common use-case for a maven build will be to generate executable jars. There are a few hundred tests, but the vast majority are game-specific - if you change code then please do set the tests to run, by temporarily amengind the pom.xml. The key line in the properties section is:


    Just change this to (obviously):


  3. Any generated jar does not include the full contents of the data directory, which contains game-specific assets - either graphical (png/jpg) for the GUI, or configurational (json) for precise set up, such as the card details in pandemic. When a jar is run you may need to ensure that a copy of this data directory is installed wherever you are running the jar.